Monday, February 1, 2010

Because He Lives

There are moments in life when we are smacked on the head with realization of something. It can happen at the most random times or the moments when we are lost and utterly confused. I am going to stray a little from the topic and talk about my moment where I realized something very important. I feel that we lose this message far too often and it is good to have a reminder somewhere to reference back to when we need.

My moment of realization took place yesterday during church. We were singing a song called “Because He Lives” and one of the lines in that song goes “And life is worth the living just because He lives”.

While coming home from church, I was thinking through the songs and the messages. I realized something very important that I had missed before. For several years, I have struggled in several aspects of my life. Each of these struggles have affected my life in different aspects, mostly bad.

I constantly battle between who I am and what I want to be. Usually, I set aside God and everything that He has done for me (I’m not perfect and because I do that, it hurts me even more to know that I set aside God for something that eventually led me nowhere).

Because of some of my choices, I have come to regret and hate what I have done. It hurts me to know that I am the one who caused this separation between me and God. My life has been this constant back and forth between trying to find a reason to keep on going. That song really touched me because I realized that I had a reason worth living.

I had everything right in front of me and I ignored it all. God was my reason for living. He was the reason that I have continued to move forward each day. He is the reason and because of that reason, I can go on. I can fight. I can be strong. I can endure. I can do everything because of Him.

I had convinced myself that I was not worth anything and that I could never be forgiven for what I have done to myself. God proved me wrong. He showed me that I still had a reason to live and in spite of everything that He still loves me. What’s even more is that He takes me back, no matter how broken or bruised I am. No matter what I think of myself or of my life up until this point. He always wraps His arms around me and gives me another reason to continue fighting.

He loves me even more and when I fall down, He is the first by my side. He does not care about my flaws. He does not care about my past. He does not care about my current problems. He is always back, waiting for me to reach out to Him. He does not see this ugly person, He sees His child that has finally come back to Him. He feeds me, He comforts me, He sits by my side, He tells me how much He loves me. Even if I have done things that I regret, they are now a part of me and He still accepts me.
I cannot go back and change the past.

I can’t change my words, actions, thoughts, or behavior. They are now a part of who I am and what I have become. They are what make me the person I am today. They are what influence my choices and have become a layer in the foundation that is laid. What is more is that I do not have to let my past bring me back to the places where I do not ever want to return.

That does not mean I have to forget my past in order to move on. It is a part of me. I can, however, use it as a powerful testament to others instead of letting it be a weight that brings me down. My past is my story. It is my tale of how I came to God and how God healed me. It is the same for you.

You can help other people and share your message with them. Don’t let your past or present control you. You can control. If you ever need help, we are here and God is waiting to be by your side as well. Do not think let others tell you otherwise. There is always help. Will you accept it?