Saturday, October 3, 2009

Begin Again

When writing about thoughts of the heart, you are forced to look at yourself in a way that is often uncomfortable. There are many skeletons hiding in our biggest closet, the heart that we often do not want to confront because of past horrors that often leave us scarred forever. We do not know how to deal with them so we bury them and hope that no one knows.

However, we go back several years later, they are still there. What we often do not realize is that they have held onto us for so long that we accepted them as normal. Our hearts are both our most precious and terrifying thing; we are both afraid of it and want it to feel good at the same time.

We often do not feel good most of the time. That is because we let the problems of our past get in our way in a bad way. Instead of dealing with the pain, we want to forget about it. However, it often ends up controlling our actions and leads us to very dangerous stunts that most of us regret. We often think that in order to lead a better, happier life, we have to forget about what happened to us in the past.

That is not the case. Your past is what makes you the person you are today, it strengthens you and points out your weaknesses so that you can improve them. By shoving away your “skeletons”, you are also ignoring the lessons that you could be learning.

It is hard to accept, but it is the truth. You cannot grow from an experience if you are not willing to find the answers. You have to search for them. On this blog, you are looking for answers in different thoughts. You are trying to discover different sides that you may have never thought, or thought about and discarded it as irrelevant at the time.

There will be times when a topic will hit too close to home and it is up to you whether you will confront the issue or skip over it, shove it aside, and bury it once more. There are people that think that they are doing themselves a favor by pushing it aside, but it is far from that. It is hurting your already broken heart more. If you cannot pick yourself up already, where else will you go?

Instead of thinking of each topic that comes too close for your comfort as a constant reminder of your hurt, think of it as an opportunity to begin again. “Take my hand and then, We can find a new beginning, Let's begin again, While there's still time.” —Ray Boltz’s “Let’s Begin Again”. It is time to begin once more, to find a path that will help us instead of hurt.

Thank you for reading; I hope you find this helpful.


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