Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Thought's Beginning

"'Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?' he asked. 'Begin at the beginning,' the King said, gravely, 'and go on till you come to the end: then stop.'" – Lewis Carroll in his Alice in Wonderland. The way of life goes, all things have to start at a beginning, including little things like this blog. A novel needs a writer to place those first few words onto the paper. A building needs a construction worker to erect its walls. Homework assignments need a student to solve that first problem. Everything has a beginning, and eventually, an end. I imagine everyone has felt the relief when they finished that last problem on their homework, knowing that they could participate in whatever they so pleased. Sure, we all continue to receive more tasks on our plates, but that’s why they call the first time the beginning. After the beginning, well, you’ve got the middle and it keeps adding up.

Where am I going with this? I bet that’s what you’re wondering. This blog is now the beginning of exploring the thoughts of a heart. Things will start to unravel, questions will be asked, discussions are permitted, and I most welcome anyone who wishes to comment. Dive in with me, don’t bury your head in the sand, everyone has heard thoughts of their own heart. The heart of each person varies since no one is the same as another person. We all have our pain, whether emotional or physical, I don’t know, and that pain leads to certain thoughts, thoughts of which I call thoughts of the heart. It’s okay that you have questions. If there is something on your heart, something that you want explained, feel free to speak up and tell me that you want me to explain a certain topic to you. I will not ignore you. No one should feel out of place because their opinion differs from mine or yours.

A beginning has come with a path to explore. You are welcome to stay and see where our journey ends up. You are also welcome to turn around and say that this is stupid. I won’t mind. I won’t stop you. Thank you, my readers, for taking time to read through the beginning of my little blog. :)

~ Raine

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