Friday, December 18, 2009

The Puzzle Piece of Hope

There’s a piece of the puzzle that has been left out of what we’ve been talking about. And I must say that this piece is very important. It makes our hope for each day. It brings us a happiness we’ve never encountered before. It heals the broken heart of a poor child’s soul. It gives us comfort in the time of danger. When we’re feeling down, we’re often searching for something to lift our spirits up. The hurt of a betrayal, the death of a loved one, the agony of just living each day, something about this puzzle piece makes life more bearable.

Life brings us the many troubles of the world, and in this time, trouble is spreading. People are constantly looking for that special puzzle piece, but somehow, it’s completely lost. And there are those who have found that puzzle piece and now are complete with the joy they hold in their hearts. Some just want to believe that there is no puzzle piece to fill in that empty space. Everyday, there are people around the world making silly mistakes, and they come to regret what they’ve done. They lose hope. They stop looking for that missing puzzle piece. Depression eats away at their mind, and they stop listening to the healthy advice from other people when it comes around. Public schools have thought that puzzle piece as rubbish. Politicians laugh at those who search for it. Scientists try to disprove it from existence. Our country when it began started on this piece. It brought hope for those living in this afflicting world. But you might wonder how a puzzle piece can heal your scars, bring happiness to your depressed soul, or help you walk on your two legs again. After all, isn’t it just an object?

Some of you might already know what I’m talking about. I’m talking about God. I’m talking about Jesus, our Savior. He’s the Way to ultimate Hope. He’s the puzzle piece that makes our lives complete. Jesus promises us hope that will never fade. There are people out there in our world that would call me stupid for believing in God. Those people are the public schools, the politicians, the scientists, and everyone else who stops looking for the puzzle piece. They hold no hope that true happiness can ever be acquired.

Hope isn’t something you should throw away. Hope gives you a reason for living each day to the fullest. And more, hope brings the sunshine into your soul. You know what? God gives that hope. He heals the hearts of the broken, even when they’re depressed. He still loves the people who lose their way. We’ve been talking about depression and broken hearts. The thing is, your final step for obtaining true happiness is to know that God loves and accepts you for who you are. He won’t walk away on you. That puzzle piece is always lying in the same spot. The puzzle piece lies right in front of your face, but it’s your choice to decide whether or not that’s the real piece to fit into the puzzle.

We’ll go through trials; trials that will bring pain to our hearts. We must not give in. Holding on to that Hope, that puzzle piece, will help us through each day. I love my Lord and Savior. He brings the Light in my heart and heals the scars that pain me. He wipes away those tears on my face. Jesus pulls me out from that depression and shows me something better. Don’t let the world shut down your hopes, and certainly don’t follow the trend consuming society.

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