Monday, March 1, 2010

Just Try

Have you ever thought that you're worthless? How about useless? Stupid? Pathetic? Unable to accomplish anything? That you're just not good at anything? Don't feel like you're alone. Many have felt the same.

This has been on my mind a lot lately, and I realize that I've been struggling with some of these questions myself. And what do you do when you find this out? You get depressed. Lately, I've been thinking about what I want to do as a career. I found out that I'm not perfect at playing music. I found out I'm not perfect at writing either. I found out I'm not perfect at writing music. I found out my writing isn't perfect. I found out my drawings aren't perfect. All this leads me to think "I'm not perfect, so how can I even dream to achieve my goals or let alone have a job?"

Now before you bop me on the head, I do have something to say. I already knew that I wasn't perfect, and that I can only try to achieve perfection (but really now, only God can be perfect). The issue actually was not that I could never be perfect. The issue was that I kept telling myself "I can't". Things like "I can't write music because I'm not awesome at it" kept popping into my head. Then I went to a memorial for one of my friend's grandma. I thought "Why can't I?" I tried to think up a good reason to say why I can't.

All this time, I had been calling myself pathetic because I couldn't do anything perfectly. Right now, I wonder what in the world was I thinking? I can't say I can't if I haven't tried! I'm not even through highschool yet... And if I really wanted to achieve my dreams then I should try with all my might to achieve those dreams. "I can't" is not a reason. It's an excuse. It's a fear of trying.

If you want to achieve your dreams, you can't let other people try to laugh at your dream. You can't be afraid to mess up. Today, everyone learns from their mistakes. No one ever learns from their perfection. Mistakes are a good thing because they help you to know not to do that again. However, we shouldn't try to make mistakes on purpose. You'll only be hurting yourself if you do that.

So with all this said, there is a dream that you have. Don't let anything stop you from pursuing it. God made us to have dreams. Even God has dreams He wants to achieve. Do you see Him quitting? Let's stop telling ourselves that we can't, and let's start trying instead. You can't be perfect, but you can sure do your best to try to be better everyday. Also, what you write/draw/play/whatever might not sound good to you, but some other person might think it's brilliant. Don't give up. That's a note to me too.

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